vendredi 29 novembre 2013


" Daily meditation can help relieve stress, which helps to prevent the worsening of acne. "
Do you know that stress is the main cause of persistent acne ? If you are depressed about your acne condition , then you will probably avoid persistent acne on his face. This is especially true in the case of serious illness of acne, whether cystic or rosacea , it can be difficult to cure unless you can eliminate stress from your mind. This is why daily meditation can help cure your acne more effectively . Helps relieve stress and prevent worsening of acne.

Daily meditation can help relax your body and mind. Here are the 7 principles of daily meditation to heal your acne :

A . You should do breathing exercises for at least 15 minutes per day

All meditation exercises include breathing exercises, to a certain extent . Therefore, you need to do breathing exercises , if you want to get the most out of your meditation. Spend at least 15 minutes a day (morning or afternoon) to do breathing exercises in a quiet and peaceful place with good air circulation. This exercise will help you calm the mind and control your thoughts .

2. You must keep your mind relaxed all day

It is important that you keep your mind relaxed all day , not just during the meditation session. The purpose of daily meditation is to keep your mind calm and stress free throughout the day. Sure, it may seem impossible to you , but know that there are people out there that can keep your mind relaxed , even under stress . That means that you can do it too .

3. You need to keep positive thoughts in your mind

The main cause of stress is a way of negative thinking. When you see the world through the eyes of the pessimists , then you will experience constant stress in your mind. Try changing your thinking to positive. Keep positive thoughts in your mind. Try to see things through the eyes of optimism.

4. You need to focus on the joy and happiness in your life

When you focus on the pessimism in your life, you will not be able to eliminate stress from your mind, no matter how you try. Why ? This is because they focus on the manifestation of stress itself. You need to focus on better things. Find joy and happiness in your life.

5.You should not complain and moan to their status

Distressed and complain that your acne will not make your skin better . Instead , make it worse , because your complaint will add more depressed . So stop complaining and complaining about their condition.

6 . You must believe and hope the best for you

Believe and hope the best for himself that he is required to cure your acne. When an acne treatment is applied, you will not get the most from this treatment if you think you will not be able to cure your acne. That is why you must believe and hope for the best .

7 . You must give your body and mind remains adequate

Overwork your body will just put more pressure on your body. The same applies to the mind. Thinking too turn the head and eventually lead to stress. Therefore, give adequate rest to your body and your mind.

When you focus on the seven principles of daily meditation above, you 'll be able to eliminate stress from your mind. Then you will see acne less on his face.
Posted By: Unknown



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